If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!
Jelly #56 (9/6/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #55 (8/30/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Rumgr v1.7 user testing:
Want to help a local startup with some new ideas? They Rumgr team will be at the Jelly this week with iPhones loaded with the next version of Rumgr. There are some shiny new features that they think are going to be awesome, but they can't know that for sure. That's why they'd like your help. Stop by their table in /usr/lib to try out the next versions and help out a local #vegastech startup!
Jelly #54 (8/23/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #53 (8/16/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #52 (8/09/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #51 (8/02/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #50 (7/26/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Hanley Brite - "Creating the Culture You Want From Day One"
Geoff Sanders - Fangible
Jelly #48 (7/12/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Breakout Session Info
Coming in from NYC Adrian Bye from Meetinnovators.com will be heading up a discussion about how technology has enabled people struggling with Autism and Aspergers syndrome. Be sure to make this session, and give our friend Adrian a warm welcome.
Jelly #47 (7/5/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #46 (6/28/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
After not having had a breakout session in a couple weeks, we have two really cool companies being represented at this weeks Jelly. You all helped Vegas be the first to unlock our city on FounderDating.com, so Jessica from FD has come to talk about their startup and their goals.
Also, a small node.js startup from our sister city Phoenix has come into town to demo their SaaS product — "Instant Backends for HTML5 Developers"
Jelly #45 (6/21/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #44 (6/14/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #43 (6/7/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Breakout session info
More Patent Law ? Vishal Katri
How Much Abundance is Too Much? - Stacey Hall
Jelly #42 (5/31/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
w00t! 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything!
Breakout session info
We have a special guest speaker coming into town to talk about Crowdfunder.com. Chance Barnett has been working with the government to help change laws related to crowdsourcing and funding/equity in startups. The legislation just passed and Chance was ready to open up Crowdfunder.com right away. Now you can help out startups in a Kickstarter or Indiegogo type fashion, but with CrowdFunder your contributions actually earn you equity in that startup.
Chance will be at the Jelly this week to talk about Crowdfunder and his experiences. This will be one breakout session you won't want to miss.
Jelly #41 (5/24/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Breakout session info
Board Considerations for Early Stage Startups ? Bill Payne
Agile session ? Dan Mezick
"How to create Happiness with Hugs, Smiles, and Mustaches" - Adria Richards
Jelly #32 (3/22/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #31 (3/15/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #30 (3/8/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #29 (3/1/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Another working Jelly this week. Bring your laptop and friendly conversation. We have a breakout session about the VegasTech Hacker Bus for you as well. Details below.
Breakout Session Info
Rumor has it that the Vegas StartupBus Recruits will be on deck to
share their hopes for the trip and present Robert Scoble's video from
December's StartupBus Europe.
Jelly #28 (2/23/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #27 (2/16/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Bidness as usual at VegasJelly. Bring your laptops, livers, and lively conversation! Rick's breakout session info below.
Breakout Session info
7:00pm - 7:30pm Nick will start a discussion on how #vegastech can be used in a controlled educational environment so that each app can gain more users.
7:30pm-8:30pm Graham Kahr & Nate Luman on Social Media: "The power of engagement for brands and the value real communication in the social space can provide for any business, regardless of its size. Topics covered will include creating awareness, building positive sentiment, listening for opportunity and driving sales through valuable content and direct ad management."
8:30pm-9:30pm Bill Payne on "Startup Valuation" plus a special announcement.
Jelly #26 (2/9/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #25 (2/2/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
We've got a few great breakout sessions lined up for VegasJelly this week. The first starts at 7:30 and features Pin Tan and Doug Burda talking about intelectual property. At 8:30 there are going to be a handful of startups practicing their pitches. Some are from town, and some are out of towners, so be sure to give them great feedback!
For the hackers out there, Jen Wilhelm will be talking at 9:30 about HTML5 and it's awesomeness. Jen worked on the front-end team at Zappos.com, but recently left to work on her own startup in Las Vegas called 8byte8.
So come down to The Beat, grab a beer, and prepare to get your mind blown.
Jelly #24 (1/26/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #23 (1/19/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
This weeks Jelly has a lot going to on! Even before the Jelly officially starts Avalon Landing, a local VegasMusic band will be doing a small set from 6:30PM - 7:30PM. There are a lot of VegasTechers that love music and are trying to bring these two scenes together!
The 2 breakout sessions for the night will start at 7:30 and go until 9:30. The first will be Bill Botts talking about term sheets, and the second will be by a VegasTech veterans Brenden Soares talking about bootstrapping your startupTim Spangler and Shaun Swanson will be looking to education the community on the bills and a call to action regarding the letter to Harry Reid that Tim Spangler is drafting and attempting to get the community to sign. To join in on the SOPA/PIPA discussion, join the Ayloo thread!.
Jelly #22 (1/12/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #21 (1/5/12 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Welcome to 2012! Let's kick off the first Jelly of the new year right. These next couple weeks are going to be huge for #VegasTech since it's that time of year again for CES to come to town! Check out this website to look for different CES related events around town. Not enough downtown IMHO.
For some good 'ol downtown fun be sure to hit up IgniteVegas which will be at Insert Coins and will rock!
As for the Jelly we have a very special guest speaker stopping by. Some of you might remember his awesome talk from Mobile Monday Las Vegas. He's the CEO of SocialRadius and also a wine/cheese/bacon lover. (Probably mixed together) He is Michael Terpin and he'll be stopping by to enlighten us.
Another breakout session going down that got quite a bit of interest a couple Jellies ago is "Hackers && Painters" put on by RayMorgan and Mark Johnson. This is a highly technical breakout session so bring your laptops and prepare to be schooled!
Jelly #20 (12/29/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #19 (12/22/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
It's business as usual for this week's Jelly. Like always, bring something to work on, and grab a $1 PBR at the bar!
Merry Christmas!
Jelly #18 (12/15/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
This Jelly's breakout session is going to feature Zach Ware again to give us an update on the upcoming Coworking space right here in downtown Las Vegas! As well as Dave Stevens will be doing a breakout session on City Data and City Hacking. (The white-hat kind ;)
Jelly #17 (12/08/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
I know, I know, it's hard to believe. This week's talks are going to be about Tech Stars. As well as we have a special guest coming into town. Andy White (@LeanStarter).
See you there.
Jelly #16 (12/01/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Starting this Jelly we're going to start hosting the Jellies every week! From now on we'll be able to cowork, drink beers, and just hang out with the Las Vegas tech scene ever Thursday from 7PM to Midnight!
I decided to do this because of the obvious crowd that we've been seeing at the Jellies. There are so many awesome people that we've flooded The Beat to capacity. (We're just lucky the fire marshall has never stopped by)
So like always, bring yourself and something to work on!
Jelly #15 (11/10/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly #14 (10/27/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Jelly number 14! Bring something to work on and some good conversation. I'm sure many of you have heard about the Coworking space that we, as a community, have been working on. Take a look at all the conversations going on about it. Feel free to contribute to the conversations and be a part of the community. Let's build this awesome place together!
Breakout Session:
Rick Duggan will be offering up his help by giving one on one pitch coaching. Hit him up on twitter if you're interested.
Jelly #13 (10/13/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
We've got another exciting line-up for this week's Jelly. Two more speakers! The first will be at 7:30 and features Mike Ballard of the Vegas Valley Angels talking about fundraising for startups!
The second will be our buddy Zach Ware talking about the state of #VegasTech. Two breakout sessions you definitely won't want to miss!
Jelly #12 (9/29/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
We have two crazy awesome breakout sessions happening this week. Depending on the status of /usr/lib we may or may not have the breakout sessions up there.
For the first session, we're welcoming Alex Hillman to Vegas. Alex started and runs Independents Hall in Philadelphia. Indy Hall is a coworking space that has really established itself as a community oriented place to work and play. VegasJelly was heavily inspired by Indy Hall so you should all attend this breakout session. It will start at 7:30PMish.
The second breakout session will start at 8:30PMish. Rick Duggan is holding a pitch session for some local startups just like at Jelly #9. Be sure to check out the pitches and give
good feedback for these #vegastech startups!
UPDATE on Alex Hillman! - There are a couple awesome updates Alex wanted me to post here for everyone. If you want to email Alex, his email address is "alex at indyhall dot org". Also if you're interested in taking Alex's Coworkshop, you can save $50 by putting in the promo code "VEGASJELLY" when checking out.
Jelly #11 (9/15/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
This week at the Jelly we're going to be sharing the Beat with an awesome group of Tech Bikers! The folks over at Bike Hugger will be riding their bikes around the strip and downtown and then stopping at the beat to talk about technology, blogging, and bikes! Have a bike? Join in the on the fun: http://bikehugger.com/mobile-socials/view/mobile-social-interbike-2012
And for this Jelly's breakout session Jimmy Jacobson of Zappos and Wedgi.es fame, is going to give a brief talk about ReCommerceDay. A retail themed hack-a-thon here in Vegas!
Jelly #10 (9/1/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Rick Duggan will be having another breakout session this week about pitch practice. Also a little birdie told me that Hammed Kohistani will be launching something at the Jelly so go ask him about it!
Jelly #9 (8/18/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
The second session will be given by Jason Rios of Write-On Recordings. Here is a short blurb from Jason about VEGAStyle:
"VEGAStyle™ is a fundraising event set up as a friendly competition between the major clubs in town to see which can raise the most money (for your wonderful organization). Instead of racing for a cure or cycling for a cause, individual participants will "Party for the Future" – VEGAStyle! Each club will have its own team, led by volunteering employees. Leading up to the event, they will utilize their networks to motivate others to: join the team, spread the word, donate money, attend the the event, and solicit their own networks to sponsor them."
Be sure to hit up Rick and Jason at the Jelly or on twitter to get more info!
Jelly #8 (8/04/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Number 8! It seems like only yesterday it was just a few friends and I hacking away at the first Jelly. Look how far we've come in only 8 meetups! As VegasJelly gets bigger and bigger people will naturally want to socialize more and more. That's totally cool, but remember that lots of people are there to work. So let's all be respectful. :)
See you there!
Jelly #7 (7/21/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
It'll be business as usual at the 7th installment of VegasJelly. Bring yourself, and something work on, or just come have a $1 PBR and a sandwich at The Beat. Remember IgniteVegas is coming so don't forget to sign up or submit a talk. @crystalschang is putting it on so be sure to thank her for bring this awesome event to Vegas!
Jelly #6 (7/7/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
Well folks, Las Vegas Startup Weekend might be over for now, but the Jellies definitely are not! We'll be continuing as normal tonight. @makenai is going to be showing off the newly acquired space in The Beat for a Tech Library!
So bring yourself, a laptop, and something to work on.
See you there!
Jelly #5 (6/23/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
VegasJelly #5 is going to be a special one folks! It's the last Jelly before Las Vegas Startup Weekend! Get those pitches ready!
At that last Jelly we introduced something new called "Breakout Sessions". This week we're going to have two more breakouts, but these will be a little more community focused. The first one will be a session about having a hacker library downtown. @makenai will be starting the conversation. The second breakout session will also be tech community focused. @dylanbathurst will be discussing a coworking space downtown.
Jelly #4 (6/9/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
At Jelly #3 we had a huge turn out! We almost filled the beat! This is so awesome everyone. With only one more Jelly left before Las Vegas Startup Weekend, use this time to start preparing your ideas for the pitch session! If you're not attending startup weekend, don't worry, there will be many more to come in the future!
I've noticed that some of people that have met at the Jellies are starting to chat/collaborate/work together outside of the Jellies. This brings a proud tear to my eye. So don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you.
See you all Thursday night!
Photos from Jelly #3
@zappos_d took some really great photos from the Jelly the other night!
Some of the guys from the SYNshop group came to hang out and chat!
RayMorgan hacking away on a side project he has been working on.
Brian, Devin, and Rick discussing some projects they're working on.
Todd and Lauralie hanging out and getting some emails sent.
Jelly #3 (5/26/11 7pm - 12am) @ The Beat Coffeehouse
It's on and catching on! Jelly #2 was once again totally awesome. We had a couple more of the awesome Ruby meetup dudes come hang out. We also had Josh, a freelance web developer, that is living/traveling with his family around the US in an airstream! As he and his family rolled through Vegas they heard about the Jelly and stopped by.
As the title says, we'll be having our 3rd Jelly on the 26th from 7pm to midnight! So if you want to keep working on your projects, but also need to get out of the house or office for a change of pace. We'd love to see you there!
We've also made the Jellies an official event at The Beat Coffeehouse every other Thursday!
Jelly #2 (5/12/11 7pm - 12am)
Meeting at The Beat Coffeehouse on May 12th from 7pm - Midnight! If you want to see what's been going on at the Jellies, check out a video of the first Jelly!
Jelly #1 (4/26/11 7pm - 12am)
The inaugural Jelly meeting will take place at The Beat Coffeehouse on April 26th from 7pm - Midnight! Just bring a lap-top and something work on. From 7-9 there will be $1 PBRs for all the hipsters, and $1 Slap & Tickle Sandwiches. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
Welcome to the Las Vegas Jelly page. We're going through some major changes here in LV when in comes to community and more specifically tech community. So join in and be a part of it!
For Why?
Leading up to Startup Weekend Las Vegas on June 24-26, 2011 we'll be having a number of Jellies to get people interacting and sharing ideas with one another. Don't worry we'll continue having them after SWLV as well.