• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


East Staffordshire Jelly

Our next event is:


Weds 17 November 2010 at Home Hub, Uttoxeter Business Centre, Dovefields Retail Park, Uttoxeter.  More information and booking from 21 September  at www.eventbrite.com search for East Staffordshire Jelly. Numbers are limited, booking is essential.


First-time Jellyer?  Find out what to expect and what you can do at Jelly here


What's this Jelly all about then?


Jelly is a casual co-working event, where freelancers, home workers and people running small businesses meet up in order to get out of their normal space, meet some new people and work together in a social environment. Jelly is a mixture of work, chat, comparing of ideas, passing on tips and help and maybe sometimes collaboration on the birth of a new project.

(Jelly differs from networking in that the aim is not to find new clients, pitch your business or to sell).


Are you: 


Freelancer, home worker or self-employed ?

Interested in the coworking culture ?

Ever thought about attending a Jelly ?


Then follow us on Twitter @beslimited where we are spreading the word about Jelly, coworking and how to be more effective whilst working from home


You can find out about upcoming Jellies in East Staffordshire by:


  • Checking back on this page for updates.
  • Following out our tweets at @beslimited where we always announce new dates.