
Banbury Jelly

Page history last edited by Gabriella 11 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to Jelly Co-Working Event in Banbury - a chance to get out of the (home)office and work alongside other like-minded business people for a day a month.


Kindly hosted by Colin Sanders Innovation Centre in a fabulous meeting room with tea, coffee and biscuits(payment via an honesty box).  There is space for 12 people with laptops, free wifi, free parking.


What is Jelly?

Jelly is a casual monthly co-working event, where homeworkers, freelancers, small business owners and office based people who want a change of environment once in a while can get together with their laptops once a month to have a change from their usual workplace, meet some new people and work together in a social environment .


Jelly is mainly about work with a bit of chat, sharing ideas, helping others with business issues, passing on tips and maybe even collaborating on  a new project


Jelly is NOT networking- the aim is not to pitch your business or try to sell to anyone- if that is what you are looking for there are plenty of excellent networking groups in Oxfordshire.


Jelly was started in the States and is now increasingly popular in the UK with over 20 active co-working groups already and more starting up every month


So if you have ever felt isolated in your home office/ work office and want to meet some other like-minded people in a different work environment, then Jelly is for you- its FREE so come along and give it a try!


More on Jelly - have a look at  to read what Judy Heminsley says about attending a Jelly


What does it cost to attend?

Its FREE to come along, all you need do is bring some pennies to yourself . You are welcome to bring your own lunch and the Innovation Centre is only 10 minutes from Banbury town centre. 

When is it?

The FIRST Jelly is meeting on Wednesday 23rd June 2010 - the actual event dates/ booking can be found here Banbury Jelly - numbers are limited so you MUST sign up through this link


Where is it?

Colin Sanders Innovation Centre, Mewburn Road, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 9PA - full details on venue (Facilities, Parking ) is available at the bottom of this page


Do I have to stay all day?

People can turn up at any point from the starting point, introduce themselves to the organiser, plug in their laptop and access the wi fi with no obligation to be there from start to finish so you can fit Jelly in around other commitments like the school run. . Obviously- the longer you're there the more vibrant and interactive the day will be.


Do I qualify?

As long as you have a laptop to keep you busy and you're a business person then you qualify. The more variety of people we have attending the better!  Even if you're still researching a business you're more than welcome to come along and get some inspiration!


Who's organising it?

Colin Sanders Innovation Centre - managed by Oxford Innovation, who operate a network of innovation centres that provide flexible office and laboratory space to over 400 high growth technology companies.


Any questions?

Email Debbie Rushton or Lilian Bannister



Sign up here - You MUST sign up to come as places are strictly limited -

If you subsequently can't attend please let us know so we can offer your place to someone on the waiting list


Venue Information

Colin Sanders Innovation Centre

Mewburn Road



Virtual office

Low cost flexible office space

On-site staff services and facilities management