What's this all about then ?
Jelly's a casual work event where everyone's invited. It's for anyone who'd like to work alongside other creative people in a welcoming environment
Some Jellies are in people's homes (that's how it started), others are in coffee shops and businesses. You bring your laptop and some work, and Jelly provides wifi, a chair, and smart people to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with.
We cover Gloucester, Cheltenham, Stroud and the Cotswold Hills area. Now, there's #PubJelly too! (See below)
Ask yourself, do you:-
- work from home, or trudging from coffeeshop to coffeeshop in search of wifi and power?
- wish that "working for yourself" didn't always have to mean "working by yourself"?
- get "cabin fever" and desperate for a change of scene, some inspiration and motivation?
Sound familiar? Then our programme of regular "Jelly" coworking gatherings in Gloucestershire are what you need!
"Errr ... what's a 'Jelly’?" - see here and here
"… and what's coworking?" - see here and here
Intrigued? Then follow us on Twitter @cotswoldjelly where we're trying to spread the word about coworking and Jelly etc. in these parts.
We're backing the Great British Pub, in conjunction with @4Pubs, Pubutopia.com , PubNBarNetwork and ProfileBuilder by organising #PubJelly events - two regulars shown below! We "Support Local & Grow Together" #SLGT in Houston, TX, & The Cotswolds in conjunction with @ThinkLocally!
Our next events are on:
You can find out about upcoming Jellies in Gloucestershire by:
- Checking back on this page for updates.
- Following out our Tweets at @cotswoldjelly where we always announce new dates, at least a week before they happen.
- Visiting our Eventbrite Pages above where you can book your place at one of our Jellies online drugstore, get directions, etc.
Our past events:-
- #1: Gloucester, Friday 9th April 2010 at Gloucestershire Media Group. Video here
- #2: Gloucester, Friday 23rd April 2010 - St Georges Day - at Gloucestershire Media Group.
- #3: Gloucester, Friday 7th May 2010 - at Gloucestershire Media Group. "Jelly on the Docks"
- #4: Gloucester, Friday 21st May 2010 - at Gloucestershire Media Group. "Jelly on the Docks"
- #5: Friday 18th June 2010 - #5 at Gloucestershire Media Group. "Jelly on the Docks"
- #T1: Monday 7th June at Gloucestershire Launchpad in Tewkesbury
- Then July, August September, October, November, December - every week there's a #Jelly!.....
- AND NOW, new for 2011, #Twandoori nights too! First one in Stroud 16th June & every 2 months
Judy Heminsley of workfromhomewisdom.com interviewed Lee Cottier of the Bristol & Bath group about coworking and Jelly in January 2010 - see her article here
If you are thinking of starting your OWN Jelly then you can also check out her excellent "everything you need to know" guide here
We're always interested in hearing from new venues in Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire & the South West who would like to hold a Jelly every month or so.
We hope to get enough venues on board that we can have a regular programme of meetups going, about once per week.
If you have any suggestions, let us know via the Twitter account above.
Who comes to Jelly then?
All sorts of people - and not just techie-types (although they are welcome too)!
We're building a community for Coworking, Digital Nomads, Webworkers, Creatives,
Hotdeskers, Homeworkers and Freelancers, etc. in and around the Cotswolds
(Oh, and don't worry you don't have to be on Twitter to join us either!)
So, is it any good?
Well we think it's great, but we're definitely biased or brainwashed (or both!)
You can check out what some other people have said in the video above, and also about Bristol Jellies and what they have got out of them here:
We're always keen the hear what people think about our Jellies and get feedback, suggestions etc..
If you see (or have written) a blog post etc. that we've missed then karjat please let us know and we'll add it those here.
But I'm nowhere near you, darn ...
Hey don't worry - Jelly wasn't our idea (but gosh we wish that it was!).
Jelly is community thing, and anyone can get involved - if there isn't one near you then you could always start your own!
The best place to start is here.
Who's doing all this anyway ?
Jellies in Gloucestershire are organised by local freelancer Howard Moorey @hojomo
If you'd like to know more then you can email us at cojel (at) hojomo (dot) com.