Interested in Coworking?
My name is Nick Rovisa and I have been researching the Coworking trend for 2 years. Of all of the information I have read, most opinions are that a Jelly! is the best way to go about getting people involved initially. I have spoken with other local young entrepreneurs and they seem interested in the idea, which is exciting because we have so much talent here in Rochester and we need new and different ways to help each other out!
I have no concrete plans as of yet, I am just trying to generate interest. Please send me an email at to let me know if you are interested, have any ideas of where we could hold the Jelly!, or just to say what's up!
We are definitely seeking young entrepreneurs, but it is not limited to that. ALL creatives are welcome!! In my opinion, this will be more beneficial if we have people from all sorts of backgrounds with diverse skill sets..
I look forward to hearing from all of you and to the first Rochester Jelly! :)