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by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago
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Who's coming on Thursday, March 15th
(FYI: In case you were planning to buy a coffee in the morning, Starbucks is giving away free coffee from 10-12 at all their locations)
- Name, What you're working on, what time you'll be there (approx)
- Amit Gupta, working on www.photojojo.com, 9:30am
- Jamie Wilkinson, working on dev.eyebeam.org/projects/*, 10am
- Sahadeva, working on tees, 5:30AM ;)
- Youngna, enjoying my last day in the United States until the end of May, 9 a.m.]
- Ian Van Ness, rocking out, 10ish
- Adam Varga, Putting the final touches on TrailPhone.net and helping out with some Photojojo stuff. 9:30
- Peter Kirn, working on www.createdigitalmusic.com and www.createdigitalmotion.com 10:30am
- John Goodwin, working on a "top secret" news product, 10:30 if I don't get sucked into meetings.
- Kara Masi, working on a site redesign of http://www.virsaonline.com/ListeningRoom/ (eek!), 10am. This will be my first Jelly..
- Gil Hildebrand, Jr., working on squidoo.com, 9:30-10am
Abhay Kumar, working on blog design. lunch break. This will be my first Jelly. didn't actually make it.- Tony Bacigalupo, phone meeting with a client in the morning and spinning some plates in the afternoon, 9 or 9:30. My first Jelly!
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