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Page history last edited by Chris Poterala 7 years, 4 months ago Saved with comment

Fridays 2-7pm - Get your weekly fix of Jelly at the very first Atlanta coworking space Ignition Alley! Members and non-members are invited, so come on out!


Jelly in Atlanta is just getting started. Add your name to the list of supporters if you'd like to help!

(password: j311y ...That's "j", three, one, one, "y")


Help us plan the next Jelly! Post your date and location comments here: JellyInAtlanta-Planning



We know you already spend too much time on Facebook, Tessa put JellyInAtlanta on Facebook too so you can streamline your info mongering.



We are starting a North Side group in Roswell!! Please check out the new Jelly In Roswell page for more information and add your name to the list of interested parties so we can get an idea of how big a group might be attending. Thanks!! -Kevin Bachman



What is this "Jelly"?

Jelly is an every-so-often casual coworking session. Anyone is welcome to come, bring a laptop, and work alongside other creative, fun people.  Hope to see you there! See workatjelly.com and for more background. Email if you want to start your own!



JellyAtlanta Contact List

Please add yourself!


Interested in Organizing

(leave a contact link or other info)