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by pbwork Ads 4 months, 2 weeks ago
What is Jelly?
Jelly's a casual work event where everyone's invited. It's for anyone who'd like to work alongside other creative people in a welcoming environment.
Some Jellies are in people's homes (that's how it started), others are in coffee shops, businesses and now CoWorking Spaces (that have spun up after the Jelly movement began).
You bring your laptop and some work, and Jelly provides wifi, a table and chairs, and smart people to bounce ideas off and collaborate.
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Athens, Greece
- Belfort, France * Tous les derniers sehatalk mardis de chaque mois à L'Usine
- Berlin, Germany
- Bratislava, Slovakia
- Brno, Czech Republic
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Dublin, Ireland (Women Who Co-work *new) Canvassing spaces....
- Heidelberg, Germany
- Hamburg, Germany *** Next Jelly on March 2, 2011, 9:30 am - 5 pm, eparo, Stahltwiete 22, 22761 Hamburg
- Languedoc-Roussillon, France * www.LanguedocJelly.org * Languedocjelly.eventbrite.com
- Lausanne, Switzerland
- Leipzig, Germany
- Paris, France
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Rome, Italy * www.coworkingroma.com *
- Seville, Spain Jelly!Sevilla http://jellysevilla.com http://www.workINcompany.com
- Stavanger, Norway *new*
- Vienna, Austria
- Zurich, Switzerland http://www.meetup.com/work-jelly-zurich/
- Jelly09
- Boston/Cambridge, MA
- Boulder CO *new*
- Brattleboro, VT *New*
- Brooklyn, NY - [GPCW Jelly/Free CoWorking Day every second Wednesday of the month] **New**
- Buda, TX (South Austin) *new* starting 12th May!
- Buffalo Niagara Jelly
- Burlington, VT - *new* 1st Jelly, July 31
- Cedar Hill (15 minutes south of Dallas), TX *** First Jelly! happening September 18th, 8:30am-6pm @ the White Rhino Coffee House on Beltline & Uptown [fb RSVP]***
- Champaign-Urbana rcti, IL (see Urbana, IL below) *** Next Jelly August 7, 2009 9am-2pm @ 110 W. Main Street Arti Nama, Urbana, IL [RSVP] ***
- Chattanooga, TN-Check our website for details.
- Chicago (now every Monday and Wednesday!)
- Chicago Northwest Suburbs - Meeting 1st and 3rd Fridays starting January 15, 2010. we meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month
- Colorado Springs, CO
- Columbia, SC - Jelly Cola kickoff March 23! Every Tuesday at The White Mule on Main St.
- Columbus, OH - started live January 2009 &
- Corpus Christi, TX (Coastal Bend) - **First Jelly!Friday, May 7 10am-3pm @ Coffee Waves on Alameda. First Fridays in Corpus Christi; third Fridays in Port Aransas.
- Corvallis, OR - Every Friday in 2010 9am-6pm Info: (Five41) 602-6215
- North Dallas, TX - Jelly/FREE Coworking Meetup every Wednesday @ Connective hub from 11am-4pm. Register here and Join our Community!
- Dallas, TX (INFOMART, I-35 and Oaklawn) - First Friday of the Month
- DC/MD/VA Next Jelly is Friday November 6, 2009!
- Denton, TX
- Denver, CO
- Detroit, MI
- Fort Lauderdale, FL - Coworking meetups in various locations around Fort Lauderdale. www.ftlcoworking.com
- Fort Worth, TX (Thursdays, 1-5pm)
- Fort Collins, CO
- Frisco, TX
- Grand Rapids, MI ***First ever ART JELLY!
- Honolulu, HI
- Houston, TX
- Huntsville
- informasi
- Indianapolis, IN - Jelly Coworking **NEW! - several new permanent coworking spaces
- Inland Empire, CA (Riverside, Corona, Moreno Valley)
- Nashua, NH - every Friday
- Norman, OK - *Join us in Norman for Jelly every other Friday!!*
- Oakland, CA
- Oklahoma City, OK
- Orlando, FL - I hear one might start there soon... "insert a link to a new page it for it! (see the right side of this screen)
- Orange County, CA
- Palm Coast, Florida --> Monthly Free Jelly Coworking Sessions (in Flagler County, FL)
- Palo Alto, CA // Twice monthly, 2nd and 4th Tuesday at Backstage Coworking
- San Antono, TX- Tuesdays at La Taza Coffee House; NEW!Thursdays at Casa Chiapas
- San Diego, CA - Every other Friday at the HIVE yay
- San Francisco, CA
- San Mateo, CA *new*
- Santa Cruz, CA
- Seattle, WA
- Tampa Bay
- Tucson, AZ
- Tulsa, OK
- Tyler, TX
- South Tulsa, OK
- Urbana, IL(Every first Friday at Collective Turf Coworking) *** Next Jelly August 7, 2009 9am-2pm @ 110 W. Main Street, Urbana
United Kingdom
More info on UK Jelly events are available on the UK Jelly website
- Acton, London Amovita Writers Jelly - New Jelly in West London for budding authors and writers, held in Acton,W3 and hosted by Elizabeth Cairns of Amovita Ltd. Wednesday 20 October and thursday 4 November 2010. Beat the dreaded resistance, join creative and inspired like minds and get your book written. Twitter @elizabethcairns. Booking and details http://writersjelly.eventbrite.com/
- Axminster Jelly, Devon: After successful event on Monday 7 February 2011, 9am - 12noon, we'll be holding this again, date to follow soon. Venue will be River Cottage Axminster Canteen and Cupcakes, Trinity Square, Axminster, Devon, EX13 5AN. Follow @devonjelly on twitter for latest news. Bookings page to follow...
Banbury Jelly - First Banbury Jelly at Colin Sanders Innovation Centre, Banbury on Wednesday 23rd June 10am to 4pm 2010 @ Colin Sanders Innovation Centre. Details & booking here
Barnstaple Jelly, Devon: Tuesday 25 January 2011 AND Monday 14 February 2011, 10am - 4pm: Boston Tea Party, 21 - 22 Tuly Street, Barnstaple, EX31 1DH. Follow @devonjelly on twitter for latest news.
- Bedford Jelly - Monthly at Bedford i-kan on the first Wednesday of every month. Follow @bedfordjelly for more details or email jelly@bedfordi-kan.co.uk.
Berkshire, UK - Monthly Berkshire Jelly at Crowthorne @ Crowthorne Enterprise Centre. For Twitter news and updates follow @BerkshireJelly. Details & booking here
Birmingham Jelly - Jelly has arrived in Birmingham! One Friday every month. For date follow @RickieWrites Urban Coffee Co, The Big Peg, Jewellery Quarter. More info/RSVP here
- Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK Happening monthly in venues across the city centre. Twitter: @BradfordJelly.
- Bridgnorth Jelly (Shropshire) - 10am - 5pm - also listed under Shropshire. Last Tuesday of the month at the Falcon Hotel. For updates follow @suzie_pearson
- Bristol, UK - Jelly is BACK to Bristol - next event 21st September 2010
- Calne Jelly Meets monthly at the Calne Community Hub, 27 High Street Calne. http://calnejelly.eventbrite.com
- Cardiff, UK Jelly at indycube, Cardiff we have regular bi-monthly jelly's at indycube.
- Cambridge , UK. CamJelly meets every Friday at ideaSpace from 10am.
- Chertsey Jelly (Surrey) Meets Monthly at Foxhills Gof Club & Spa, 9.30 - 4pm. Hosted by Elizabeth Cairns of Amovita & Hazel & Lyn of Find Good Customer Service.com Numbers limited to 20 so please book via http://surreyjelly-chertsey.eventbrite.com/
- Chiltern Jelly South Beds/Bucks/Herts Borders Area - 9.30-5.00... Date of next Jelly at FunkBunk coworking studio in Wing, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Beds TBC. For booking details, updates and news follow @chilternjelly on Twitte r.
- Clitheroe, Lancashire - Jelly Up North cara Wednesday 7th July at the Grand Clitheroe twitter@RuralUK
- Cotswold Jelly Cheltenham - Next meeting on Tuesday 25th January 2011 at The Norwood Arms, Leckhampton. Details and booking here
- Cotswold Jelly Stroud - Next meeting on Thursday 3rd February 2011 in Brick Row. Details and booking here
- Cotswold Jelly @NorthCotsJelly - is on Tuesday 15th February at Cotswold Business Centre, Upper Rissington Details and booking here
- Coventry Jelly @ WMG, University of Warwick - Coventry CV4 7AL. Runs on the third Friday every month. Come and join us! Address and details are here.
- Croydon Jelly - Croydon, Surrey/South London - held the second Thursday of each month - more info on Twitter: @CroydonJelly
- Cullompton Jelly, Devon - After interest shown in jelly at I.T. Clinic for homeworkers & small businesses on Thurs 21st October, 2010, it would be great to run more Jelly sessions here. Contact Mike Miro @devonjelly on twitter if you're interested in getting something started.
- Devon Jelly: various locations across the county. See separate entries on this list for: Axminster, Barnstaple, Cullompton, Exmouth, Ilfracombe, Newton Abbot, Rousdon & Totnes. Also follow @devonjelly on twitter and check out current Eventbrite pages for Devon Jellies.
- Dundee, Scotland - coming SOON. get in touch @alisonhendo
- East Staffordshire Jelly - New Jelly starting 17th November 2010 at Uttoxeter Home Hub
- Edinburgh, Scotland Edinburgh Jelly Trail - 2 days - 30/09 & 01/10 - 8 venues - check it out here or on http://blog.ideaspot.co.uk or on twitter #EdJellyTrail
- Edinburgh, Scotland New Jelly at Edinburgh screenWORKS starts 25/06/10 & every last Friday of the month 1pm -6pm
- Exmouth Jelly, Devon: Thursday 27 January 2011 AND Tuesday 1st March 2011, 10am -4pm: Exmouth Business & Wellbeing Centre, 14 Hartley Road, Exmouth, EX8 2SG . Follow @devonjelly on twitter for latest news. Book here
- Faversham, Kent, UK New Jelly wobbling its way to Faversham soon. Twitter: @oliviaholcombe
- Ilfracombe jelly, Devon: Thursday 3 February 2011 AND Wednesday 3 March 2011, 10am - 4pm: The Ilfracombe Centre, 44 High Street, Ilfracombe, EX34 8AL. Follow @devonjelly on twitter for latest news. Book here
- Ilminster, Somerset, Ilminster Jellies are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Next Jelly: Thursday 17 February 2011 at Monks Yard, Horton Cross, nr Ilminster. For regular jelly updates follow @somersetjelly on twitter. Details & booking here
- Leeds, UK Every first Tuesday 10am to noon at Old Broadcasting House (coworking + networking meetup - see http://opencoffeeleeds.eventbrite.com)
- Leicester - UK
- Liverpool UK - First & Third Thursday of every month 9am to 5pm. Leaf Tea Shop on Bold St. Follow Open Labs blog for details. http://www.ljmu.ac.uk/APS/OpenLabs/119731.htm
- London W3, (Acton) Writers Jelly, for budding authors and poets meets twice monthly. Organised by Elizabeth Ciarns of Amovita more details http://writersjelly.eventbrite.com/ or find updates on twitter from @elizabethcairns
- London, SE10 Every Friday "Greenwich Jelly" 10am-6pm in rcti Greenwich Communication Centre http://www.greenwichcc.com/remote.php
- London, NW2 (Willesden Green) Jelly at MoHoLo (an urban Community House) Regular Jelly events at our community house. NEXT DATE: Monday 11 October 2010: 8am stretching, yoga, porridge for the wholesome amongst you! a 9am-4pm for everyone else. Bring vegetarian things and curious teas to share if you wish. WiFi available, but please only for work that won't block the stream for everyone else. If possible, please bring your own music too, so that the bandwidth isn't taken up with lots of streaming activities! More details here: and address by emailing thelondonhouse(at)gmail(dot)com
- London, WC1 (King's Cross) Jelly every Wednesday 1pm to 5pm at Centre for Creative Collaboration, 16 Acton St, WC1X 9NG follow @lloyddavis & @brian_condon #c4cc
- North Wales Jelly every month in North East Wales, and soon in North West Wales too! Follow us on Twitter @NorthWalesJelly
- Manchester, UK
- St Neots Jelly : St Neots, Cambs, 3rd Wed of the month at The Workstation, more info and booking here : http://stneotsjelly.org/
- Next Jelly: Wednesday 23 February 2011, 9:30am - 4:30pm at The Yeovil Innovation Centre. Follow @somersetjelly on twitter. Details & booking here.
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